This new group offers a way for women and young ladies to build relationships and support one another. We desire to glorify God while nurturing and encouraging the women in the church and community. We would like you to join us every 3rd Tuesday of the month (summer months too) beginning in June! Our monthly meetings will be in the evening from 7:00 -8:30 and it is going to be fun!
If you know you will be attending, please contact us using the form below.
This will give us an idea of how many will be participating in the meetings. You don't need to sign up to come and join us. You are welcome at any monthly meeting, we just want you here! Please invite your friends, neighbors and anyone who would like to have a great time of fellowship and learn a little bit in the process. We will be exploring Proverbs 31:10-31 together. Any questions, talk with Helen Zeerip or Charity Walters.
If you know you will be attending, please contact us using the form below.
This will give us an idea of how many will be participating in the meetings. You don't need to sign up to come and join us. You are welcome at any monthly meeting, we just want you here! Please invite your friends, neighbors and anyone who would like to have a great time of fellowship and learn a little bit in the process. We will be exploring Proverbs 31:10-31 together. Any questions, talk with Helen Zeerip or Charity Walters.